Roller Derby Ami (Free Pattern)

Guys, I have discovered a new obsession, nearly as life consuming as crochet.

Roller Derby.

For the uninitiated, Roller Derby is basically rugby (or american football) on roller skates, minus the ball. The idea is to get one player on a team of five past the other teams players to score points, and to do that you push the other team’s players out of the way or get in the way of them moving in order to let your jammer (the point scorer) through your wall of blockers. If you’ve ever seen ‘Whip It’ it’s that, only not actually quite as violent, and on a flat track in my case. I’m only very new new to the sport, so not at a game playing level yet until I pass some more minimum skills, but I am loving it.

And as is the case when you love something and also make ami’s, of course you crochet it!

Amiguruthi Derby Girl (2) Amiguruthi Derby Girl (1)

Meet Ami! On the left here she is skating on my boyfriend’s team’s floor. On the right she’s been expertly modelled by my team mate Ninja Nina* from the Halifax Bruising Banditas. Check us out if you’re UK based, we’re recruiting! Check us out if you’re not UK based too of course 😉

*Names are a thing in Derby, as are personalised numbers. Mine is Rainbow D45H, after the My Little Pony character. I’m cool…

Pattern for Roller Derby Ami after the jump.

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