Panda (Free Pattern)

Following my post last week, and the mention of there being thousands of owl patterns in the crochet world, Kim from KreepyKim’s Freak Boutique and I started discussing other animals we wanted to see rendered in yarn. I decided I wanted to see a realistic baby panda. There are some adorably cute cartoony panda patterns out there (special shout out to Pandapple by AmiguruMEI). There are a couple of realistic panda patterns I found too, but nothing that looked quite right to me. All a little old. I wanted these aged pandas:

How cute is silly panda?!

I’m not quite sure I managed to really babyficate my panda, but here’s the result (Yarndango 46):

Amiguruthi Panda Amiguruthi Panda

I was going for sorta slumped forward (because baby panda are apparently made from the same kind of fluid as cats). He’s not quite as slumpy as I’d intended, but he hit the cuteness factor I was looking for. Maybe he’s a teenager panda rather than a toddler panda?

Anyway, click through the jump for the free pattern.

Panda! Away!

Amiguruthi Panda

The Essentials:

Hook: 3.5mm

Wool: white and black.

Also needed: Small bit of black felt, three 6mm safety eyes (or two eyes and a nose), black embroidery thread.

Finished Size: approx 4″ tall


CH = Chain

Sc = Single Crochet

Dc = Double Crochet

INC = Increase

DEC = Decrease

Head and Body

Panda is worked bottom to head.

Magic ring in white.

Round 1: 6sc into the centre of the ring
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {1sc, INC} around [18]
Round 4:{2sc, INC} around [24]
Round 5:{3sc, INC} around [30]
Round 6:{4sc, INC} around [36]
Round 7: (5sc, INC) around  [42]
Round 8-12: Sc around [42]
Round 13: {sc, DEC} six times, 24sc [36]
Round 14: Sc around [36]
Round 15: {sc, DEC} six times, 18sc [30]

Change to black in the last stitch of round 15 (I changed after round 16, but I suggest changing here to make the leg to black line join look cleaner).

Round 16: {sc, DEC} five times, 6sc, DEC, 7sc [24]
Round 17: {sc, INC} five times, 6sc, INC, 7sc [30]
Round 18: Sc around [30]

Change to white in the last stitch of round 18

Round 19: {4sc, INC} around [36]
Round 20: (5sc, INC) around  [42]
Round 21-23: Sc around [42]
Round 24: {5sc, DEC} repeat around [36]
Round 25: {4sc, DEC} repeat around [30]
Round 26: {3sc, DEC} repeat around [24]
Round 27: {2sc, DEC} repeat around [18]
Round 28: {1sc, DEC} repeat around [12]
Round 29: DEC around [6]

Finish off and weave in the tail.

You should have something that looks nothing like a panda:

Amiguruthi PandaAdd eyes like I have – a squashed circle (oval I suppose) or black felt, and a safety eye through the middle. They want to be about a third of the way down the head, and not quite on the outside, through the round of 30 (round 5 counting out from the centre).

Amiguruthi PandaLooks very flat there. You’ll be needing a


Magic ring in white.

Round 1: 6sc into the centre of the ring
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3-5: {Sc, Dc, Dc, Sc} three times [12]
Round 6: {INC, Dc, Dc, INC} three times [18] (with the INC as single crochets not double crochets)

Finish off and leave a long tail for sewing. The single crochet and double crochet combinations at the end will have given you a vaguely triangular shape and slight downward slope to your snout.

Amiguruthi Panda Amiguruthi Panda

If there’s no slope don’t worry, if there is it needs to be sloping down as shown.

Pop a safety eye (or safety nose if you’re posh enough to have one) through above the 6sc round (between round 1 and 2), and embroider the mouth as shown:

Amiguruthi PandaSew your nose on the middle of your face, adding a little bit of stuffing for shape.

Amiguruthi Panda Amiguruthi PandaHey look! That photo has

Ears (x2)

Magic ring in black.

Round 1: 6sc into the centre of the ring
Round 2: {Sc, INC} around [9]

Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing. Sew in place two rounds forward from the black section in line with the eyes.

The brunt of the work is done so far – time for the legs now. I suggest you make all four before sewing anything in place.

Back Legs (x2)

Magic ring in black.

Round 1: 6sc into the centre of the ring
Round 2: {Sc, INC} around [9]
Round 3: {2Sc, INC} around [12]
Round 4-8: Sc around [12]
Row 9: 6sc STOP. Ch1 and turn [6]
Row 10: 6sc STOP. Ch1 and turn [6]
Row 11: DEC three times [3]

Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff. You should end up with a thick tube and a flap at the end. Which I totally forgot to photograph in my ‘almost finished’ excitement.


Front Legs (x2)

Magic ring in black.

Round 1: 6sc into the centre of the ring
Round 2: {Sc, INC} around [9]
Round 3-10: Sc around [9]
Row 11: 4sc STOP. Ch1 and turn [6]
Row 12: 6sc STOP [6]

Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff. You should end up with a thin tube and a flap at the end. Which, once more, I totally forgot to photograph in my ‘almost finished’ excitement.

Sorry. Again.

Anyway, you can line them up and sew them on now. I took it in two halves – pin (not sew yet) a front leg in place so the flap at the top forms a diagonal line down from the eye, then pin the back leg on the same side in place so your panda is held up in a sitting position. Then repeat on the other side. Check your panda sits nicely, front paws tucked between the back ones. Adjust as necessary then sew in place.

I hope this front view helps that very convoluted explanation.

I hope this front view helps that very convoluted explanation.

Your panda is so nearly done! He just needs his


Yes! Pandas have tails! Just a small bump on their butt.

Magic ring in white.

Round 1: 6sc into the centre of the ring
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: Sc around [12]

Finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing and flatten the piece. Sew in place.

Amiguruthi Panda Amiguruthi Panda

One finished panda!

Amiguruthi Panda Amiguruthi Panda

15 thoughts on “Panda (Free Pattern)

    • Thank you! 😀
      I get bored writing ’round 13: {6sc, INC} around [42]’ etc so many times. I also really get confused sometimes when there isn’t construction photos with a pattern I’m trying to follow, so I assume others might do too (which is why I apologise so much when I forget lol). The humour is just a nice side effect 😉 x

  1. ooooo! I love the panda as well! (haha I see the giant duck!) on a side note, do you keep track of every round you crochet, or you simply come up with everything after you are done?

    • Lol yeah my ducky is a great friend to the panda at the mo lol.

      I tend to keep track of each round, although the regular 6, 12, 18, 24 etc repeat I’ll jot down quickly em masse before I start or after I’ve got a piece to the right size. It’s the more complicated rounds I have to write down as I work otherwise I’d totally forget what I did lol. x

  2. Patterns that are fun to read are a bonus, in my opinion. I agree with you and Kim that reading the same dry lines over and over all the time is a bit tedious and also more prone to let you lose your place! I love your panda! It’s so very adorable and so NOT an owl! ❤ ❤ ❤

    • The ‘not an owl’ bit is my current crochet pattern deciding factor lol.

      I’d never thought about humour as a place keeper but yes it’s true – I do tend to know where I am on patterns where they designer talks to me a bit! x

  3. Pingback: Life…. | middleofastitch

  4. Pingback: How I design | Amiguruthi

  5. Hello. I have just finished this and it’s soooooo cute. I think there is an error on the front legs. Round 11 should start with 6sc or Round 12 with 4sc. I went with 6sc.

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