Mini Soldier (Free Pattern)

Less waffle this week, since it pretty much carries on from last week!

I mentioned on my Remembrance Day Soldier that I’d initially made a Mini Soldier, who looks like this:

mini soldier amiguruthi


A few people have asked for the pattern for him, so here is it, after the jump.

The Essentials

Hook: 3.5mm (E)

Yarn: Chunky in army green, DK in peach, brown or prefered skin colour, tan DK.

Also Needed: Embroidery thread in black, 6mm safety eyes (optional – not used in my version).

Finished size: Approx 2 inches tall.


CH = Chain

Sc = Single Crochet

INC = Increase

DEC = Decrease


Magic ring in green
Round 1: 6sc into magic ring [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3:{1sc, INC} around [18]
Round 4:{2sc, INC} around [24]
Rounds 5-11: Sc around [24]
Round 12: {2sc, DEC} around [18]
Round 13: {Sc, DEC} around [12]
Round 14: Sc around [12]

Change colour to skin tone and stuff the body

Round 15: Sc around [12]
Round 16:{1sc, INC} around [18]
Round 17: {2sc, INC} around [24]
Rounds 18-20: Sc around [24]
Round 21: {2sc, DEC} around [18]
Round 22: {Sc, DEC} around [12]

Stuff, add safety eyes if using.

Round 23: DEC around [6]

Finish off and weave in tails.

It’ll be like a peanut shape, one ball of green attached to one ball of skin tone.


Magic ring in green, leaving a long tail at the start.
Round 1: 6sc into magic ring [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3:{1sc, INC} around [18]
Round 4:{2sc, INC} around [24]
Round 5: {3sc, INC} around [30]
Round 6: (3sc, DEC} around [24]

Finish off leaving a long tail to make a chin strap. Sew the helmet to top of the head, slightly tilted back using the first tail (from on the magic ring), and run the second tail under the chin from one side of helmet to the other and secure. at this point now you can embroider on your face too.

Backpack/ bedding roll (whatever you want to think of it as!)

Magic ring in tan
Round 1: 6sc into magic ring [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3-7: Sc around [12]


Round 8: DEC around [6]

Finish off and sew where the neck and body joins.

Nice and simple 😀

9 thoughts on “Mini Soldier (Free Pattern)

  1. Pingback: Remembrance Day Soldier (Free Pattern) | Amiguruthi

  2. I have been crocheting for over seventy years today I am eighty I have no idea what you mean after the jump so thank you so much

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