Yahtzee Zero Punctuation (Free Pattern)

Right guys, here’s Yarndango entry whatevermabob the post I had intended to put up last week until I lost the pattern (it was lurking on my desktop called something stupid – I found it by accident!). Although to be fair the post last week about things I wish I knew before I picked up my hook proved to be pretty popular!

This week, heeeeere’s Yahtzee!

amiguruthi yahtzee amiguruthi yahtzee


For those of you who have just looked at the photo and have no idea who I’m on about, Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw is a video games reviewer on the Escapist website in a segment called Zero Punctuation. Now, I’m a casual gamer at best, but I still love ZP. His reviews are always hilariously sardonic, and it’s all little animated stills with a fast paced voice over, generally trashing the latest release (occasionally praising it too). The guy above is Yahtzee’s avatar in the videos, and I’ve been meaning to immortalise him in crochet for a very long time.

I am going to give out the free pattern to this, although I don’t have permission. I can’t find a contact address directly for Yahtzee to ask permission, and I don’t think the Facebook page is a) manned by the man himself or b) slow moving enough for any post of mine to be seen by him in amongst the fanboy wailing. So Yahtzee, if you do stumble upon this and disapprove, give me a hollar ok? :p

Pattern and more photos after the jump.

The Essentials:

Hook: 3.5mm

Wool: white DK

Finished Size: approx 6” tall


CH = Chain

SC = Single Crochet

INC = Increase

DEC = Decrease

SL ST = Slip Stitch

The pattern starts with the top of the trilby, which needs two bumps.

Hat top (x2)


Round 1: INC, sc, INC into same stitch, sc around the chain [6]

NB: So you would INC into the 2nd chain from the hook, sc into the next stitch, turn round so you’re coming up the other side, INC into the same stich you just sc into, then sc into the next stitch).

Round 2: {Sc, INC} around [9]
Round 3: sc {sc, INC} three times, sc, sc [12]
Round 4: {Sc, INC} around [18]

Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing.

amiguruthi yahtzee

Sew both together through 6 stitches on the long edge of either bump.

amiguruthi yahtzee


I hope that makes sense! Carry on into:


Round 5: Sc around [24]

NB: You will crochet around the perimeter of both lumps

Round 6 – 8: Sc around [24] Mark last row for later – don’t remove this until I tell you to.

Round 9: {3sc, INC} repeat around [30]
Round 10: {4sc, INC} repeat around [36]
Round 11: {5sc, INC} repeat around [42]
Round 12-14: Sc around [42]
Round 15: {5sc, DEC} repeat around [36]
Round 16: {4sc, DEC} repeat around [30]
Round 17: {3sc, DEC} repeat around [24]
Round 18: {2sc, DEC} repeat around [18]
Round 19: {1sc, DEC} repeat around [12]

Stuff, if you’re using safety eyes place them now, wherever you think looks best but in the lower two thirds, a few rounds below your marked round. I got my safety eyes after I’d stuffed this so mine are just stuck in without backs – not that safe really!

Round 20: DEC around [6]

Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing.

That hair clip is marking the round I told you to mark. It's important!

That hair clip is marking the round I told you to mark. It’s important!

Hat brim

Turn your work so that the lumps are pointing downwards. Starting in the stitch you marked, make 24 sl st around the round. You’ll anchor your brim to these.

Round 1: {3sc, INC} repeat around [30]
Round 2: {4sc, INC} repeat around [36]
Round 3: {5sc, INC} repeat around [42]
Round 4: {6sc, INC} repeat around [48]
Round 5: {7sc, INC} repeat around [54]

amiguruthi yahtzee


Ch2/ magic circle

Round 1: 6sc into 2nd ch from hook/ centre of magic circle [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {1sc, INC} repeat around [18]
Round 4: {2sc, INC} repeat around [24]
Round 5: {3sc, INC} repeat around [30]
Round 6 – 15: Sc around [30]
Round 16: {3sc, DEC} repeat around [24]
Round 17: {2sc, DEC} repeat around [18]
Round 18: {1sc, DEC} repeat around [12]


Round 19: DEC around [6]

Finish off.

Sew your head on top of the long sausage.

amiguruthi yahtzee

Legs x2


Round 1: Starting in the second ch from hook, 6sc down one side of the chain, turn, 6sc up the other side of the chain [12]
Round 2: {1sc, INC} around [18]
Round 3: {2sc, INC} around [24]
Round 4: {3sc, INC} around [30]
Round 5: Sc around Back Loops Only [30]
Round 6: 3DEC, 18Sc, 3DEC [24]
Round 7: 3DEC, 12 Sc, 3DEC [18]
Round 8: 3DEC, 6Sc, 3DEC [12]

Stuff the foot

amiguruthi yahtzee

Round 9 – 16: Sc around [12]
Round 17: Sc around back loops only [12]

Stuff the leg

Round 18: DEC around [6]

Finish off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

amiguruthi yahtzee


Aaand here’s where I stopped taking photos. Sorry. The rest is pretty self explanatory though.

Sew your legs in place under the body, making sure that the edges poke out.

See how the legs are only really attached in the centre? Leave the outside edges free.

See how the legs are only really attached in the centre? Leave the outside edges free.

The idea is to emulate the original who is pretty unconnected to his legs, and looks like this:

That was honestly the best picture I could find that was stood up and kid friendly. Zero Punctuation gets adult!

Where are we? Oh yes.


Ch2/ magic circle

Round 1: 6sc into 2nd ch from hook/ centre of magic circle [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {1sc, INC} repeat around [18]
Round 4: {2sc, INC} repeat around [24]
Round 5 – 6: Sc around [24]
Round 7: {2sc, DEC} repeat around [18]
Round 8: {1sc, DEC} repeat around [12]


Round 9: DEC around [6]

Finish off leaving long tail for sewing.

Two little balls basically. Don’t sew them on just yet, we need to make a game pad first. Well, if you’re making the console gamer Yahtzee. You could always just sew the hands on the side of the body now and be done. But!


Round 1: 6sc into 2nd ch from hook/ centre of magic circle [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {1sc, INC} repeat around [18]
Round 4 – 8: Sc around [18]
Round 9: {1sc, DEC} repeat around [12]


Round 10: DEC around [6]

Finish off.

Sew a hand either side of the controller, then sew the hands in place in the middle of the body.

And voila – one Yahtzee, ready to make your own video reviews.

amiguruthi yahtzee


4 thoughts on “Yahtzee Zero Punctuation (Free Pattern)

  1. Fantastic! Love how you got his legs just right – not easy with that disconnected thing going on there! You are really quickly becoming one of the best designers to watch! I think others should keep an eye on you too! I can’t wait to share this post this week!

  2. Oh, I also meant to tell you that the pattern is yours so if you give it out for free that should be fine for people to make one for themselves for personal use. I think the only time there is a problem is if someone is profiting from someone else’s copyrighted or licensed characters. At least that is how I understand it and I could be wrong. But I try and play it safe just to keep my business legitimate.

  3. Pingback: Yarndango Project 27 – Dog A Day Logo | madcrochetlab.com

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