DnD D20 (Free Pattern)

I recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons (well, I say recently, it was over six months ago actually). We play the ‘sit round and talk about it and occasionally get the models out so we can visualise the fight’ style of DnD, 2 hours every other Sunday.

My name is Amiguruthi, and I’m a huge geek.

I love it, I really do. The group are a mix of old and new friends (including my other half who I dragged along after my first game cos I knew he’d love it too. He does). Not long after I started playing, the Dungeon Master and his wife had a son. So now we have a baby at the game who on occasion has been threatened as an unbeatable monster if we don’t stop misbehaving.

I haven’t given them a congratulations gift yet because I didn’t actually see the sprog during the first couple of months of his life due to stopped play and theatrical adventures of my own, so like the incredibly organised person I am totally forgot.

Then last week I followed through on a threat to make this as as my newest Yarndango project:

amiguruthi D20

amiguruthi D20

amiguruthi D20




















An amigurumi D20.

It’s probably not exactly game worthy, but I’m hoping baby Dungeon Master likes it.

Free pattern to make your own after the jump. Also, yes those are Instagram pictures – you can follow me at http://instagram.com/amiguruthi/

The Essentials:

Hook: 3.5mm

Wool: Any colour DK

Finished Size: approx 5” diameter

Also needed: Coloured embroidery thread.


Sc = Single Crochet

Dc = Double Crochet

Tc = Triple Crochet

Sl St = Slip Stitch

Basic Triangle (x20)

Magic ring

Round 1: Nine Sc into the centre of the magic ring [9]
Round 2: {[Dc,Tc,Dc] into the first Sc; Sc,Sc} repeat around three times [15]
Round 3: Sc around [15]
Round 4: Sl St around the give a flat edge.
Finish off and leave a long tail for sewing.

You can make bigger triangles by adding a extra round between round 2 and 3 – as long as you do the [Dc,Tc,Dc] formation into the corners and Sc in between you can make the triangle as big as you like.

Once you have your twenty triangles, embroider on the numbers 1 to 20, one number on each.

To construct the D20 sew your triangles as below:

D20 layout AmiguruthiThen:

1) Take your long strip and sew the ends together (11 meets 13).
2) Sew your first pentagon so that the number 2 meets the upside down 20 (which will mean that 18 is above 10, 5 above 7, 15 above 13 and 12 above 4).
Sew your second pentagon so that 16 is below 8 (which means that 6 is below 17, 9 below 1, 19 below 11 and 3 below 14).

You should now have a fully constructed D20 – don’t forget to stuff before you sew 3 to 14!

If you make a D20 using my pattern, I’d appreciate a photo and any comments sending to amiguruthi[@]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk.


4 thoughts on “DnD D20 (Free Pattern)

  1. Wow! You are amazing! I love the colors you used for this – reminds me of a miniature globe. I have never actually played D&D. We don’t have enough good people who would be interested around here. But I imagine you have a lot of fun! 🙂 I do love games!

    • Its a good laugh I must admit. The group is a mix of huge geeks and people who’re geekier than they realised, so the best kind of DnD-ers really lol.
      It does look globe-y. i nearly used green for the numbers too, that’d have really pushed the comparison.

  2. Pingback: Yarndango Projects 28 and 29 «

  3. Pingback: 72 Gaming Patterns for Knitters - The Knit Wit by Shair

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