Unhappy Lil Slug (Free Pattern)

Now slugs don’t sound like the cutest things, but this is going to make you aww – I present: The Unhappy Lil’ Slug!

Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi

Unhappy Lil Slug started life as Pusheen, the incredibly popular animated cat. My crochet hook wasn’t having any of that though and chucked out this little guy (to be fair, I’ve made a heck lot of cats with it in the past).

Totally simple pattern (Yarndango number 34 possibly 35) and oodles of photos of the Slug being Unhappy about various things around my house after the jump.

The Essentials:

Hook: 3.5mm

Wool: Grey DK

Finished Size: approx 3” long

Also needed: Black embroidery thread.


Sc = Single Crochet

BLO = Back Loops Only

INC = Increase

DEC = Decrease



Round 1: Sc around the chain, starting in the second chain from the hook [12]
Round 2: {Sc, INC} repeat around [18]
Round 3: {2Sc, INC} repeat around [24]
Round 4: BLO {3Sc, INC} repeat around [30]
Round 5: {4Sc, INC} repeat around [36]
Round 6: {5Sc, INC} repeat around [42]
Round 7-9: Sc around [42]
Round 10: {5Sc, DEC} repeat around [36]
Round 11: {4Sc, DEC} repeat around [30]
Round 12: {3Sc, DEC} repeat around [24]
Round 13: {2Sc, DEC} repeat around [18]
Round 14: {Sc, DEC} repeat around [12]

Finish off leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff firmly, and close the hole with a whip stitch (so instead of having a round centre, you’ll sew six stitches down the back to keep the oval shape)

Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi

See how the shape is maintained?


Magic ring.

Round 1: 6Sc in centre of the magic ring.
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {Sc, INC} repeat around [18]
Round 4: {2Sc, INC} repeat around [24]
Round 5: {3Sc, INC} repeat around [30]
Round 6 – 7: Sc around [30]
Round 8: {3Sc, DEC} repeat around [24]

Finish off leaving a VERY long tail for sewing.

Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi

Add your safety eyes at this point.

Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi

Sew your head onto the body at a slight angle. This increases the depressed look (a sentence I never thought I’d type…)

Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi

You can see I’ve also given him his feelers at this point. Pull a length of wool through the head so it sticks out at either end. Stitch it in place for security and tie a knot in each end to prevent unravelling.

To finish, embroider some eyebrows and a sad little mouth.

Unhappy Lil Slug Amiguruthi

So now you have an Unhappy Lil Slug, which you never intended to make, what do you do with him?

Find lots of things that make him unhappy and take photographs for the amusement of the internet! (And myself – I was giggling far more than I should have been as I was taking these…). Make your own, take your own unhappy photos and remember to send me copies to amiguruthi[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he tried to make friends and is being ignored.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he tried to make friends and is being ignored.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he can't get the lid of his drink off.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he can’t get the lid of his drink off.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because it's too snowy to go outside.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because it’s too snowy to go outside.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because there is a lot of washing to put away.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because there is a lot of washing to put away.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he has a long way to climb (and wordpress won't rotate the photo).

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he has a long way to climb (and wordpress won’t rotate the photo).

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because the climb wasn't worth it.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because the climb wasn’t worth it.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he got stuck inside a giant lollypop.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he got stuck inside a giant lollypop.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he can't open his pencil case.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he can’t open his pencil case.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he has just realised how fattening chocolate is.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he has just realised how fattening chocolate is.

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he doesn't know if this used to be another slug or not...

Unhappy Lil Slug is unhappy because he doesn’t know if this used to be another slug or not…

17 thoughts on “Unhappy Lil Slug (Free Pattern)

  1. He’s so cute and I love that he got stuck inside a giant lollipop! Your creativity is skyrocketing and I’m loving everything that comes off your hooks! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Catching up and Yarndango Project 30 – Sloth Fanny Pack | madcrochetlab.com

  3. Pingback: Moar slugs! | Amiguruthi

  4. oh good goblin I love Unhappy Lil Slug SO MUCH!!!!!!!! When I was a kid I had an unhappy doll, and one of my favorite things to do was to come up with scenarios as to why she was so unhappy! Love LOVE Love!…

    • That sounds like an excellent way to spend time! I got waaay too carried away thinking up Unhappy Lil Slug scenarios. I’m considering taking him everywhere I go so that I can take random photographs of things that make him unhappy lol x

      • I love that idea! Folks so it all the time! Quite a few folks take their yarnspawn out into the world for photo-ops, I think there is plenty out there in the world that Unhappy Lil Slug could be unhappy about!

  5. Pingback: Readers Gallery 2 | Amiguruthi

  6. Pingback: Unhappy Big Slug (Free Pattern Modification) | Amiguruthi

  7. Five or so years after making my first couple of Unhappy Lil Slugs, I’m back at it again. One of my favourite things to make, they have such a lot of character. Thanks so much for such a cute pattern! 🙂

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